Substance Abuse Can Kill Your Productivity

substance abuse

Substance Abuse Can Kill Your Productivity Substance abuse can kill productivity, negatively affecting your ability to reach your goals. Productivity is related to a higher sense of self-efficacy, which is the belief in your ability to complete certain tasks. But abusing alcohol, drugs, or other addictive substances can really hamper this.  Substance abuse impairs cognitive […]

How to Tell Your Boss You Need to Go to Rehab


Recognizing that you need to go to rehab is the most important step to treatment, but it is also the most difficult. You could set and attend a consultation, but how do you do so without being an irresponsible professional? There is work to do and bills to pay. Struggling to figure it out yourself? […]

What is the Best Recovery Activity for Addiction?

recovery activity

Addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that impacts both physical and mental health. Its repercussions also extend to social relationships, especially with loved ones. Thankfully, interventions and various endeavors are available to help you overcome your addiction. But what is the best recovery activity for addiction? From counseling and support groups to physical exercises […]

Are Some People Predisposed to Substance Use Disorders?

Substance Use Disorders

Substance use disorders, otherwise known as SUDs, are defined as the collective term for continuous and uncontrollable use of harmful substances despite one’s awareness of such harm. About 3.8% of adults over the age of 18 have substance use disorder–that’s 9.5 million people in the world.  However, only less than 15% of these millions of […]

How to Overcome Meth Addiction?

meth addiction

Between 2015 and 2019, deaths from methamphetamine doubled in the US, climbing from 2.1 to 5.6 per 100,000. This is just one of the statistics that underscores the urgency of addressing meth addiction.  But while overcoming this problem might feel like an uphill battle, here’s the good news: meth addiction recovery is possible. This blog […]