Recovery Coaching & Case Management

We provide recovery coaching & case management in Idaho

What is it?

Recovery coaching and case management are two important components of addiction treatment that provide support and guidance to individuals in recovery.

About Our Program

Recovery coaching involves working with a trained professional, often referred to as a recovery coach, who helps individuals develop and maintain their recovery plan.

What To Expect

Support and encouragement are the hallmarks of our approach, as our coaches help individuals identify and overcome obstacles to recovery. Providing accountability, our one-on-one recovery coaching is a valuable resource for individuals at all stages of their recovery journey.

On the other hand, case management involves coordinating care and services for individuals in addiction treatment. By working with individuals to develop personalized treatment plans, identifying resources and support services, and coordinating care with medical and mental health providers, case managers play a crucial role.

These professionals also assist individuals in overcoming barriers to treatment, navigating the complex healthcare system, and accessing necessary resources for achieving lasting recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Recovery Coaching

This counseling service enables recovering individuals to make positive life changes, develop new strategies to cope with triggers and stressors, and remain abstinent from substances.

Anyone struggling with addiction can benefit from recovery coaching services either as a standalone service or combined with other evidence-based treatments.

A recovery coach provides guidance, emotional support and accountability throughout the entire recovery process to help individuals reach those goals.

Recovery coaches offer practical solutions and resources to help individuals move forward in their sobriety journey by focusing on the present, while therapy explores underlying issues that contributed to the addiction.

Long-term benefits of having a skilled and experienced recovery coach include improved overall health, increased self-esteem, strengthened personal relationships, and improved quality of life.

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