Between 2015 and 2019, deaths from methamphetamine doubled in the US, climbing from 2.1 to 5.6 per 100,000. This is just one of the statistics that underscores the urgency of addressing meth addiction.
But while overcoming this problem might feel like an uphill battle, here’s the good news: meth addiction recovery is possible. This blog will give you practical guidance on identifying and overcoming this addiction. If you or someone you know is potentially chained by meth dependency, keep reading.
When you take meth, your brain undergoes chemical changes. In particular, dopamine levels, the neurotransmitter responsible for feeling pleasure, significantly increase, making you feel really good.
As you want to relive the same “high” over again, you will have the urge to use the illicit substance repeatedly. Continuous use boosts tolerance, ultimately leading to you consuming meth in escalating doses.
Addiction to this substance manifests in several ways. Here are some of the most common meth addiction symptoms, both physical and psychological:
Another immediate risk of meth usage is overdose, which can lead to death. In the long run, you may also experience health effects ranging from rotting teeth to liver and kidney failures and respiratory and cardiovascular issues. Your reproductive system will also be at risk, and your future children could suffer from congenital disabilities.
The impact of meth dependency extends into personal relationships. When you exhibit the psychological symptoms mentioned above and other inappropriate behaviors, you create an unstable environment for the people around you. And as your focus becomes fixated on getting your hands on meth and consuming it, your responsibilities at home and beyond take a backseat.
In 2005, data showed that the economic toll of this addiction (e.g., health care expenses, productivity losses) was around $16.2 to 48.3 billion. Nearly two decades later, it’s highly plausible that this estimate has exponentially surged.
Experts design and implement a comprehensive treatment plan to help patients recover from meth dependency. It usually includes various treatment approaches, such as therapy and counseling, with detoxification as an essential starting point.
Detoxification entails getting rid of meth in your body and helping you manage possible withdrawal symptoms. Meanwhile, therapies are a cornerstone of any substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. An approach that you can do in both an individual and group setting, it provides you with a safe space to learn more — and overcome — your addiction triggers.
One of the most effective therapies for meth dependency is cognitive-behavioral therapy. It aims to develop coping strategies and usher in lasting change by digging deep into the very negative thoughts that prompt meth usage.
Specialists and therapists also use counseling sessions to offer a platform where you can address psychological damage caused by substance abuse. In these sessions, you can also learn how to sustain long-term recovery.
A treatment plan also typically includes Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT). As the name implies, it integrates medication use into other treatment approaches. A MAT program provides therapy and counseling sessions, support groups, workshops, educational activities, and medication management.
In MAT, you will be prescribed appropriate medications and dosage depending on your condition and circumstances. To give you an idea, here are the common drugs used:
Overcoming meth addiction is a painstaking task, but having the will to kick off your journey to recovery is a great start. Here are some practical tips to help you achieve — and maintain — sobriety.
Addiction, in general, is a prevalent problem that affects millions of lives worldwide. Acknowledging that you’re grappling with such an issue is pivotal in helping you regain control over your life. Educate yourself on meth’s ill effects and possible treatment options, and find hope in knowing that recovery is possible.
Adopt a healthier lifestyle and focus on improving your physical and mental health. Consume nutritious meals like leafy greens, hydrate with water, and get adequate sleep. Embrace a balanced lifestyle by making an effort to incorporate exercises and relaxation techniques into your everyday life.
Keeping yourself busy doing fulfilling and meaningful activities is a way to help take your mind off meth. Have you ever longed to unleash your artistic side? How about growing your own garden? Or baking your own sweet treats? Engage in hobbies that not only keep you distracted but, more importantly, foster personal growth.
When you’re struggling with any form of SUD, recognize that addressing it is not something you can do on your own. It’s why you must be in the company of loved ones who will help you recover. Also, consider joining support groups to share your experiences and learn from other’s stories.
Therapists are some of the most important people to include in your network as you attempt to break free from your addiction. Seek help from specialists and gain personalized services and objective insights to help you attain sobriety.
Meth is an illicit drug that wreaks havoc on lives in the US and beyond. It alters how the brain perceives pleasure and poses dangerous physical, psychological, and social effects in the short and long run.
Nonetheless, recovery is within reach. Educating yourself, prioritizing your well-being, fostering healthy hobbies, building a support network, and seeking professional help are all essential ways to live a sober and fulfilling life.
Looking for a dependable partner for recovery? If you or someone you know wants to overcome meth addiction, Freedom Recovery is here to help. They employ a well-balanced treatment approach fueled by compassion to promote lasting recovery. Take the first step to healing and get in touch today.
Emmy is a content specialist dedicated to helping brands boost their online presence and reputation through tailored, well-researched copy. With expertise across diverse niches—including mental health—she crafts messages that resonate with target audiences and drive engagement.