Addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that impacts both physical and mental health. Its repercussions also extend to social relationships, especially with loved ones. Thankfully, interventions and various endeavors are available to help you overcome your addiction. But what is the best recovery activity for addiction?

From counseling and support groups to physical exercises and healthy coping strategies, you can do several things to regain control of your life. In this blog, we’ll talk about these activities in hopes of helping you boost your chances of successful recovery and lasting sobriety.

physical activity
Source: Freedom Recovery

Why is Keeping Busy Important in Recovery?

If you look at any reputable drug and alcohol rehab facility, you’ll observe a common ground: they all offer activities to keep patients purposefully occupied. Staying busy while in recovery is essential for maintaining focus and, subsequently, preventing relapse.

In particular, exercising during recovery boosts the immune system, increases energy levels, and enhances sleep quality. Mental health-wise, it improves mood and builds resilience. Moreover, it fosters positive social connections, which are crucial for long-term sobriety.

Pursuing new hobbies also contributes to establishing a healthier routine while addressing the void left by substance use. And when you engage in group activities, you’ll feel a sense of community, helping you improve your social support network. 

10 Activities to Try to Maintain Sobriety

Here’s a list of recovery activity options you must consider for a comprehensive healing journey.

Professional Counseling

Counseling is a vital tool in recovery. With the help of professionals, you can identify the factors that contribute to your addiction. In the process, you will also learn valuable insights, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and get the tailored support you need to navigate the challenging recovery process. 

These are the main types of counseling.

Individual Counseling

This one-on-one setting with a therapist will help you explore your unique challenges and situation. Here, the professional will give you personalized support, developing recovery goals and coping strategies based on your specific circumstances. 

Group Therapy

These sessions involve at least one healthcare provider treating multiple patients at once. It’s a kind of therapy that offers impactful benefits. It builds connection and allows hope to arise from shared success. While patients gain knowledge about their condition, they also develop socialization skills. It offers a safe environment where participants can foster trust and support.

Family Therapy

Your addiction heavily impacts your family members. This is why family-centric therapy sessions are also considered a critical component. These programs aim to enhance family relationships by employing various techniques like counseling, family days, and family retreats. All this also helps improve treatment retention, raise relapse awareness, and usher in positive behavioral changes.

examples of recovery programs

Peer Support Groups

Isolation is one of the biggest triggers for addiction. So, it’s significant for people in recovery to feel a sense of belongingness. If you’re grappling with addiction, having peer support helps you break that bond of solitude and self-loathing. Making connections with people who have gone through comparable situations further fosters empathy, understanding, and a network of support.

Here are some prominent types of support groups.

12-Step Programs

These programs are a structured approach comprising 12 steps that integrate behavioral, spiritual, and cognitive principles. Used by about 74% of treatment centers, these programs invite participants to attend 90 meetings in 90 days. The goal is to foster acceptance, improve abstinence, and seek enlightenment with a higher power. 

Apart from the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group, various offshoots have emerged over the years. These include Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Heroin Anonymous (HA), and Gamblers Anonymous (GA).

SMART Recovery

This is an alternative to conventional 12-step programs. It stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. Its “4-Point Program” emphasizes self-control over ideas and behaviors, motivation, overcoming desires, and leading a balanced life. Weekly sessions, which run 90 minutes and are led by professional leaders, focus on present and future objectives rather than revisiting historical accounts. 

Physical Wellness Activities

Most people with addiction have at least one health condition. It can be a heart disease, lung illness, cancer, or a mental health disorder. This underlines the impact that addiction has on physical health. 

To help you improve your overall wellness, engaging in physical activity is a must. It not only improves your physiological condition but it’s also good for your mental well-being. Think of such activities as a better alternative to addictive substances. After all, they both activate your brain’s reward pathway, prompting the release of feel-good hormones like dopamine.

Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise enhances heart health, releases feel-good chemicals, and boosts your mood. Aerobic activities include brisk walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, dancing, and light gardening. Outdoor activities like hiking also improve your health while reconnecting with nature.

Strength training such as weightlifting, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and certain types of yoga can build physical strength. It also unlocks a sense of accomplishment, positively impacting self-esteem.

addiction treatment Idaho
Source: Freedom Recovery

Developing Healthy Coping Strategies

When recovering from addiction, it’s also imperative to learn how to navigate triggers and cravings. Coping mechanisms not only act as your shield against relapse but they also empower you to face life’s uncertainties with resilience.

Below are healthy coping alternatives you can do instead of turning to addictive substances.

Mindfulness Meditation

By practicing yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, you can cultivate better self-awareness and help yourself be more attuned to your surroundings — and the positive aspects of life. Engage in breathing exercises and meditative techniques regularly to promote overall well-being.


This recovery activity can help ease emotional distress in your recovery journey. By writing your thoughts out, you can gain clarity and process your feelings better. You will have a greater sense of manageability and perspective, motivating you to keep pursuing a sober life.

Creative Expression

Like journaling, creative outlets for self-expression can help you channel your emotions and thoughts more constructively and healthily. Dance, paint, write, draw, play an instrument — all these are tools for personal growth, giving you a profound kind of fulfillment. 

Personalized Recovery Plans

Recovering from addiction requires a tailored approach. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Your healthcare provider will have to consider several factors. These include the type/s of substance you’re addicted to, the extent of your addiction, and the presence of any co-existing conditions. Knowing all these, they will craft a personalized treatment plan to ensure lasting success.

Your cooperation in designing this plan is essential. You must be honest in sharing your history, situation, and goals. Engage in open communication and collaborate on strategies, interventions, and timelines that resonate with your needs.

Keep in mind that there are different examples of recovery programs. Residential treatment programs offer round-the-clock support and a structured environment. Meanwhile, an intensive outpatient program offers flexibility while still offering therapeutic support. Your choice depends on your circumstances


In Conclusion

Addiction is a complex issue. As such, it takes a holistic approach to achieve long-term success. If you’re wondering what’s the best recovery activity to help you overcome your addiction — there’s no definite, generic answer. It’s a combination of different activities and interventions that suit your needs and preferences best. A tailored plan usually comprises counseling sessions, the development of healthy coping strategies, physical exercises, and peer support. 

Looking for the best addiction treatment Idaho has to offer? Freedom Recovery is here to help you break free from the chains of addiction with personalized support. Get in touch today.